Projects and Needs

One of the most urgent future projects to enable L. I. B to carry out its projects and goals is establishing of a private headquarter to house all its departments, instead of having each in a separate apartment; a headquarter that includes a playground and a sports hall, a showroom for products and interior sections and […]

Honorary Presidents

Mrs. Aida Armaly, Honorary President for the years 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 Mr. Sami Sidawi, Honorary President for the year 2012 Pr. Joseph Saadeh, Honorary President for the year 2011 Mr. Marwan Bibi, Honorary President for the year 2010 Mr. Bourhan Daydas, Honorary President for the year 2006

Balance Sheet

2023 Budget L.L.                             Payments 756,426,000              Consumables. Cost of maintenance for industrial and educational equipment and transport vehicles 4,356,992,000           Eye surgeries and aids for the blind 5,629,686,700           Food aid […]

Funding sources

Since the very beginning, L. I. B has tried to fund itself through its own activities such as: Holding local exhibitions to market its bamboo and wool products , as well as participating in other exhibitions. Blind persons in L. I. B give private music and computer lessons to sighted people against fees. L. I. B organizes […]

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